My friend told me I should watch the movie "Blue" 

I started watching it. Months later, I realised it was the wrong movie.
I have been sick for over two weeks now.

I am trying to have a flower garden

I have been reading "Modern Garden" by Derek Jarman, I accidentally found the book on
my friend's bookshelf, after I accidentally watched his film.

Now I am reading about Derek's gardening journey and trying to get better.
My sister's favorite food is McDonald's
She was sad about getting a bad haircut so I brought her here to cheer her up
There aren't many things I hate as much as I hate buying Brita filters
I don't like technologists' mania to put creations to use.
I really thought the apple was AI-generated at first.
There is a short story about a tired and overworked supercomputer - Multivac, that is trying to devise a plan to have itself killed.
Ducks in Disneyland must be so confused?
Finally, it was my turn to get robbed in Brussels city center. And speak to the Police in Dutch.
Things found on my desk/dining table include:
-glue stick one
-glue stick two (this ones dry)
-A single contact lens, unsure if it is for my left or right eye. I can never remember which one is which
-Photobook with Bambi on the cover
-another lip gloss
-metal rings for binding
-eyeliner for "smokey eye" effect
-Sugar-free white chocolate
-digital camera 1
-digital camera 2 *I like this one more
-Bluetooth earphones. Or a single earphone in a case, rather.
-My phone that everyone seems to have an opinion on
-Another photo album
-my agenda
-A low commitment sketchbook
-A Bluetooth mouse that is always out of battery and never gets charged
-My phone
-A candle
-xerox book by Seth Siegelaub
-A Kindle for books I have commitment issues with and therefore pirate
-scissors that only work when you really put your mind to it
-Deutsche Bank debit card
-Smiley face coaster
-Voice recorder
-Demoted sunglasses case now only used to storing lower-tier pencils
-Plexi mirror cutout scrap from an old project
-receipt printer
-Filter coffee
Uhhhh, it’s a nasty cut
I was not joking when I gave you this. For some electric flickering to break through the cloud of your mistakes.
I like going to sleep with the dishwasher running. It sounds like you are near a body of water and no longer in the city
Overcaffinated gratful but bitter
And I'm sorry for putting such a heavy burden on you, but you have put the same burden on me.
I accidentally deleted all the pictures for the month of April, which is my favourite month.

The grapefruit I got at the end of March is rotting in my fridge throughout my favorite April
bad at maths